Mediathread is a media annotation software where students and faculty can capture public media and integrate selections of these media artifacts into their assignments. The tool and its previous iterations have been around for decades, and had been updated by learning designers over the years. Because of these intermittent updates over the years, Mediathread had become an amalgam of web practices from bygone eras. Additionally, use of the tool often required faculty to allocate a sizeable chunk of class time to help students learn to use the tool. Therefore, I helped write a project proposal for a user interface refresh. This user interface refresh intended to give faculty and students an experience that was more modern and intuitive. This would be achieved by adapting the interface to current standards, increasing consistency across different assignment types, and editing/adding features that were areas of greatest need and difficulty. As a learning designer and project manager, I collaborated with technology and other teaching and learning staff to see the project to completion. I also co-supervised doctoral fellows who contributed to detailed user research. We are currently working on updating promotional and learning material.